This wild horse walking through the brush covered snow looks great in black and white.

I thought this biplane with its bright yellow wings would look great with a black and white background.

This old building, once used as a dance academy, gives an ominous look in the moonlit night.

On a hot summer’s day, this wild horse was digging underneath sage and weeds to get some nutrition. I thought the green standing out amidst the black and white photo looked nice.

A glow surrounds the branches of this cottonwood tree that gives it a stunning look in black and white.

I thought this wild horse’s color and markings would look good with a black and white style background.

I came across this tree that had a cloud in the background that looked like it was coming out of it so, I thought it would look great in black and white with a little creative color.

This old railway bridge stands out in black and white against its surroundings.

A train rumbles down the track in Ely, Nevada. I liked this in black and white as you can see the smoke from the engine rising into the air.

A ranch house lies abandoned in a canyon. The home is falling apart as the years go by.

A steam locomotive relieves itself of excess hot water from its boiler before departing for a journey.

On a library shelf sits this statuette. I liked the look with the combination of the book title next to it.

The Gold Hill Hotel & Saloon built around 1861 still stands in Gold Hill, Nevada, just down road from Virginia City. I chose to shoot this in black and white as the white lettering and painted surfaces really stood out.

Two 1800’s era homes sit next to each other in the hills above Virginia City, Nevada. I chose to do this in black and white to give the photo a more “Dated” feel.

An old metal wheelbarrow sits in a field in the high desert of Nevada. The unique design of bent metal and a steel wheel really showcases it into a work of art.

Do you believe in ghosts? These two photos, taken three seconds apart, appears to show what is known as an orb(s). Some believe that spirits reside in orbs. Is this an actual spirit or just a dust particle. You be the judge.

Do you believe in ghosts? These two photos, taken three seconds apart, appears to show what is known as an orb(s). Some believe that spirits reside in orbs. Is this an actual spirit or just a dust particle. You be the judge.

Rose bushes bloom against a metal garage. I decided to produce this photo in black and white with color highlights.

Even in the dead of winter, you can find apples on tree. I thought the contrast of these left over apples against the old home and vines made for an interesting photo.

An old car body rests on a new frame as the vehicle is being rebuilt. The car looks as if it is almost ready for more time on the road.

I spotted this black bird hanging out in the water. The look he was giving me let me know that he was making sure I did not get too close. I liked the look of the photo and tweeked it a bit to get this look.

A very old and large cottonwood tree dwarfs a passing steam locomotive in Nevada. I chose to shoot this in black and white and add some color for effect.

An old cottonwood tree and an old barn show the test of time. I chose to develop this photo with a look that closely matches the era of the images portrayed.

The snow was coming down hard. This creative individual decided to use an umbrella to keep the snow off of him as much as possible.

The Storey County Courthouse in Virginia City, Nevada features a large statue of justice and her scales on the front of the building.

The Virginia and Truckee Railroad steam locomotive #25 waits for passengers at the railroad museum in Carson City, Nevada.

Virginia and Truckee steam engine #29 the Robert C. Gray, waits to head out onto the track in Virginia City Nevada. Note the moon in the background being surrounded by steam. I played with the photo a bit to give it a black and white with a bit of color look.

A reenactor playing a confederate soldier, walks alone alongside a set of railroad cars in Virginia City, Nevada.

Three small flags ripple in a stiff wind causing their edges to become tattered and torn.

A bicycle is suspended above the ground at an abandoned service station. The old style of the bike made for an interesting look in black and white against the cloudy sky.

An old home lies abandoned in a field. The tree has grown around and over the once occupied dwelling. I chose to produce this photo using an aged look a black and white with yellowing for effect.

The moon shines through the branches of a tree at night. I liked this in black and white as it added a kind of creepy and sinister feel.

In Wallace, Idaho you will find numerous Victorian style homes. I took this photo during the winter of 2017. I chose black and white as I liked the way the home stood out against the snow covered trees. At the time, the snow was falling and you can see this in the photo.

The Pelosi Blacksmith Shop in Virginia City, Nevada. I liked the look of this building and tweaked the photo a bit to give it a bit of character.

Taken during the Zombie Run in Virginia City, Nevada, this Zombie photographed well with Saint Mary’s In The Mountains Catholic Church in the background.

An abandoned home on the outskirts of Virginia City, Nevada gave me inspiration to add a guest flying outside towards the camera. This one was for fun and Halloween

I made this image utilizing photo shop. It is various shots I took during the moon eclipse of 2018 which then transformed into the blood moon which is also listed on my photo pages. The background was from a previous photo I had taken of the night time sky in Northern Nevada. When I look at the face on the moon, it almost looks like a skull.

Two old subway entrances rest in the desert in Goldfield, Nevada. Why they are here in the middle of nowhere is not known however, they do spark interest just by being here. I chose to make this image in black in white as it just seemed to set the mood. I did another in color which is also listed.

Taken in the dark, this photograph depicts the mural located on the wall of the showroom at the Club Cal-Neva Casino Resort in Lake Tahoe. The resort is unique as it is located in both Nevada and California with gambling being allowed on the Nevada side. Closed for many years, it is in the process of being re-opened. Many famous entertainers from Frank Sinatra to Marilyn Monroe are said to have stayed here. The resort also has a history of being haunted by past patrons. The use of black and white in the photo helps to add to the mystery I think. It is unknown if this mural will still be on the wall when the resort re-opens and it may be one of the last photos of the artwork.

Sometimes a simple hill can take on the appearance of a face in the rock as seen in this photo. Black and white for effect.

What appears to be the top of a skull pushes through the ground in this photo. Black and white for effect.

A soft focus black and white image of an abandoned vehicle in front of a home outside of Goldfield, Nevada.

A close-up of an old, weathered tire attached to a rusty wheel signals a sense of decay and disuse. The tire is mounted on a red, spoked wheel rim, which is part of a vintage vehicle, an old, abandoned shovel rests against the cars frame.

An old, rusty bicycle with a motor attached lies abandoned in a field, partially covered by dry grass. Its tires are missing, and the entire machine appears to have succumbed to the ravages of time and neglect.

A vintage black and white photo shows a close-up of an old-fashioned carriage wheel with a metal rim. It is parked on what appears to be a dry, grassy terrain, suggesting a rural or historical setting. Holes in the tire show that no air was needed for inflation of the tire.

Two cats are silhouetted against a window with one appearing to touch the face of the other with its paw. Captured in black and white, the photo creates a dramatic contrast between the animals and the light streaming through the curtains behind them. One cat appears to be smiling at the other while raising its paw in a defensive manner.