Is this a roast or a rock?

For fun, I merged these two shots together. The abandoned grain tower with the window at the top, reminded me of fairy tale Rapunzel. You can just imagine her getting ready to “Let her hair down”.

This old building, once used as a dance academy, gives an ominous look in the moonlit night.

Not every photo is perfect, especially when shooting from the hip when action is taking place. I liked the way the Squirrel came out in the shot as it ran across the roadway. I really liked the look of the animal’s fur. With a little more creativity, I changed the background to help make the squirrel pop out in the photo.

For fun, I saw this vapor trail from a jet and a strange, shaped cloud together. The angle of the two gave me this vision of a mountain defending itself from and unknown entity.

I came across this tree that had a cloud in the background that looked like it was coming out of it so, I thought it would look great in black and white with a little creative color.

This old dead tree stump gives the impression of a monster with its big eyes and various limbs for walking.

These lizards have had their natural color altered to give them a new look that pops against the background.

A skeleton sits in a scary tree greeting travelers during Halloween.

Sometimes I like to play with my photos, as in my series “Lizards of a different color”. These lizards have “Nevadatude”. Their original color has been altered giving them a surprising new look.

This rock formation in the desert outside of Pioche, Nevada, just begged to be photographed. The rocks looked so much like waves in a river that it had to be kayaked on.

Not all lizards are created equally as this fellow demonstrates with his newly acquired colors.

With a little imagination, a lizards skin is changed to show a striking new color.


A half moon was visible during the daytime. I liked the look and gave it an antiqued pinhole photograph appearance.

A little creativity as power surges through these high tension wires.

The ball says it all. A little bad Mojo and you end up in the rough.


Jumping from an airplane without a parachute can be quit frightening.


Looking at this Airstream trailer which was parked on the street, I saw what looks like a bull charging towards a red cloth. If you look closely at the trailers hub caps, you can see what is actually being reflected upon the side of the trailer.

A gargoyle playfully sticks out its tongue at passing tourists on the boardwalk in Virginia City, Nevada.


We can all use a cold one at the end of the day. This beer was photographed at the Wallace Brewing Company in Wallace, Idaho where they make many of their own micro brews.


A Bike is dressed in neon to encourage riding in Wallace, Idaho.


A bike is surrounded in neon and put on display to encourage riding in Wallace, Idaho.


This house cat looks menacing in his outside home jungle of leaves and vines.


I thought that this photo would look neat in a different format. I used a negative filter and added a little color to get this look. The photo was taken showing a land bridge which was built over the roadway so that animals could cross without being struck.


There are times when I come across things that simply must be photographed, as in this series taken outside of Fallon, Nevada in the desert. Many individuals will stop along U.S. Highway 50 and arrange rocks so as to spell out their names.
During my travels, I discovered that person(s) unknown wrote out the preamble to our constitution. This took time and effort. I could not ignore the patriotism that was displayed for all to see. Due to the heavy traffic on the roadway, I was not able to do a nice panorama of the scene so, I elected to photograph it in sections.
The words have since been taken apart and new names and phrases have replaced them. This was a once in a lifetime chance to photograph the preamble before it disappeared.
17 photos were taken in all and instead of placing them individually on my website, I elected to combine them. Due to having to condense the photos, you will notice the mountains in the background are distorted a bit. I felt that the message was more important than the shape of the mountains.
I hope you like this series “We The People”


There are times when I come across things that simply must be photographed, as in this series taken outside of Fallon, Nevada in the desert. Many individuals will stop along U.S. Highway 50 and arrange rocks so as to spell out their names.
During my travels, I discovered that person(s) unknown wrote out the preamble to our constitution. This took time and effort. I could not ignore the patriotism that was displayed for all to see. Due to the heavy traffic on the roadway, I was not able to do a nice panorama of the scene so, I elected to photograph it in sections.
The words have since been taken apart and new names and phrases have replaced them. This was a once in a lifetime chance to photograph the preamble before it disappeared.
17 photos were taken in all and instead of placing them individually on my website, I elected to combine them. Due to having to condense the photos, you will notice the mountains in the background are distorted a bit. I felt that the message was more important than the shape of the mountains.
I hope you like this series “We The People”


There are times when I come across things that simply must be photographed, as in this series taken outside of Fallon, Nevada in the desert. Many individuals will stop along U.S. Highway 50 and arrange rocks so as to spell out their names.
During my travels, I discovered that person(s) unknown wrote out the preamble to our constitution. This took time and effort. I could not ignore the patriotism that was displayed for all to see. Due to the heavy traffic on the roadway, I was not able to do a nice panorama of the scene so, I elected to photograph it in sections.
The words have since been taken apart and new names and phrases have replaced them. This was a once in a lifetime chance to photograph the preamble before it disappeared.
17 photos were taken in all and instead of placing them individually on my website, I elected to combine them. Due to having to condense the photos, you will notice the mountains in the background are distorted a bit. I felt that the message was more important than the shape of the mountains.
I hope you like this series “We The People”


There are times when I come across things that simply must be photographed, as in this series taken outside of Fallon, Nevada in the desert. Many individuals will stop along U.S. Highway 50 and arrange rocks so as to spell out their names.
During my travels, I discovered that person(s) unknown wrote out the preamble to our constitution. This took time and effort. I could not ignore the patriotism that was displayed for all to see. Due to the heavy traffic on the roadway, I was not able to do a nice panorama of the scene so, I elected to photograph it in sections.
The words have since been taken apart and new names and phrases have replaced them. This was a once in a lifetime chance to photograph the preamble before it disappeared.
17 photos were taken in all and instead of placing them individually on my website, I elected to combine them. Due to having to condense the photos, you will notice the mountains in the background are distorted a bit. I felt that the message was more important than the shape of the mountains.
I hope you like this series “We The People”


There are times when I come across things that simply must be photographed, as in this series taken outside of Fallon, Nevada in the desert. Many individuals will stop along U.S. Highway 50 and arrange rocks so as to spell out their names.
During my travels, I discovered that person(s) unknown wrote out the preamble to our constitution. This took time and effort. I could not ignore the patriotism that was displayed for all to see. Due to the heavy traffic on the roadway, I was not able to do a nice panorama of the scene so, I elected to photograph it in sections.
The words have since been taken apart and new names and phrases have replaced them. This was a once in a lifetime chance to photograph the preamble before it disappeared.
17 photos were taken in all and instead of placing them individually on my website, I elected to combine them. Due to having to condense the photos, you will notice the mountains in the background are distorted a bit. I felt that the message was more important than the shape of the mountains.
I hope you like this series “We The People”


This wind vane dragon seems perfectly happy during a winter snowstorm.

The interior of a duplicate Batmobile is enhanced with some memorable wording.


Two companions share a ledge. The odd pair do not seem to mind each other.

Sometimes the most ordinary things can become rather dynamic when played with. This photo of a snowplow clearing the last remnants of snow from a roadway became very interesting when part of the photo was manipulated.

A garden statue finds itself encased in an avalanche of snow. I liked the sunglasses reflecting the sun in the photo.


A spectral train uses an abandoned tunnel along an old rail line.

A line of balloons ascend into the sky.


A change of lighting and filters created a unique scene which I entitled “Psychedelic Forest”


This decoy was abandoned and become frozen in the water giving the area a look of inhabitation during the winter months.

Craters of the Moon can be a very inhospitable place. This tree defied the odds and grows on a lava sand hill overlooking the valley.


A little play with a photograph of an American flag attached to a light pole and a basket of flowers produced a rather unique photo.


A piece of artwork displayed along a roadside is decorated for the holidays. The two riders, one on a motorcycle and the other in an attached sidecar appear to be enjoying the day.

A skeleton waves greetings to people passing by a tree that has grown through a fence.


A skeleton climbs a creepy tree just in time for Halloween


A hawk takes off from the ground into the morning sun.

The original photo was very dark (will also be uploaded), so I manipulated it a bit and this appeared which I thought was pretty cool. The Hawk was flying in front of the rising sun hence, the coloring when I worked on the processing.


A visitor to the Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls, Idaho, leaves behind a memento for all to see.


Sometimes the simplest things can capture our imaginations. As is the case with this photo.

A large group of birds rest on power lines. Reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, I decided to use some filters to change the look of the photo entirely with this print being the final outcome.


Looking outside through a pane of artistic styled glass.


For Halloween I created this representation of life. From the top of the stack of books to the bottom are objects that relate to mortality from the beginning to the end.

Sometimes you just like to play with colored lights to see what kind of effect you can get. This one was done using a long exposure and moving about the tree with colored lights. I thought the results were pretty cool.


Got a little creative and utilized various light sources to make this image. The red lighting against the branches of this bush gave me a feeling that it was on fire, hence the name. I shot this in the dark and liked how it turned out. Hope you like it also.


I made this image utilizing photo shop. It is various shots I took during the moon eclipse of 2018 which then transformed into the blood moon which is also listed on my photo pages. The background was from a previous photo I had taken of the night time sky in Northern Nevada. When I look at the face on the moon, it almost looks like a skull.

I created this photo using a light source that reflected against the glass. The roses are made of glass as are the beads in the vase. I like the way the light was cast onto the white cloth background.


Wild horses are very common in Nevada. I photographed these two walking alongside the roadway in Carson City. I thought I would have a little fun so, I added a female skeleton to the picture (note her riding sidesaddle).




I created this image as I liked the impact of the brilliant sky against the ominous hand reaching towards the viewer. The two combined give you a sense of being with just a touch of mystery and perhaps a bit of fear.

A piece of Brain Fruit is squeezed between two skeleton hands. The near black and white contrast against the lightened red finger tips gives a rather creepy and ominous feeling to the photograph. Perfect for Halloween or just something a little different.


A pair of dancers or perhaps lovers, pose in a precious balance of perfection. The actual name of the piece I do not know. I had come across the artwork in a parking lot of an antique store which had just received it. I liked the art but, not the surrounding objects in the parking lot so, I removed this portion and placed it on a black background. I thought it gave a really great look to the piece.


An abandoned home on the outskirts of Virginia City, Nevada gave me inspiration to add a guest flying outside towards the camera. This one was for fun and for Halloween.

Two lit skeleton hands hold Brain Fruit. The mix of lighting with the unusual piece of fruit makes for an interesting display.


I liked how these weeds in a field came out when adjusting my camera settings.


I found this pane of glass on an antique door in Virginia City, Nevada. I liked the look and detail of the glass.

Ever wonder if you came across a wormhole, what it might look like inside.?

collection of sheriff and police badges

A group of badges sit for sale in display a case.


A dragon skeleton is silhouetted against a starry night sky, creating a dramatic and mysterious scene. The details of the bones are obscured, leaving an intriguing outline against the cosmic backdrop.

A green alien points towards the sky from a desert hillside beside a large red rock formation under a clear blue sky. The aliens ship lies crashed amongst the desert brush.