The flag of the United States of America shines brightly on the back of an old steam locomotive.

The colors are bold, as is our freedom.

Mountain mist surrounds this flag as it waves in the breeze.

A little play with a photograph of an American flag attached to a light pole and a basket of flowers produced a rather unique photo.

Sunlight pierces an American flag hanging from a pole in Wallace, Idaho


A space alien holds up an American flag in Idaho. Roadside art.

A large American flag waves in the breeze in Hawthorne, Nevada. The flag towers over the city which houses a military base for munitions storage. Located near Walker Lake on U.S. 95, The town is one of many small communities that you drive through on your way to Las Vegas.

A frozen and frosted American flag rests atop a homemade flagpole as the sun rises behind it bringing warmth to an otherwise cold morning in the mountains.

Came across this work or art attached to a fence. The image speaks for the present and future I think. The hands of the clock appear set at 9:11. The flag bears the mark of a black stripe (ribbon?) with an apparent dedication to fire fighters and law enforcement officers as the one stripe is both red and blue.

I really liked the colors or the flowers, flag, buildings and green forest against the darkening clouds. This photo was taken in historic Wallace, Idaho where they decorate the town with baskets of flowers and wave the American Flag in all it’s glory. The photo gives you a hometown feel of days gone by.