A seal shoves another off the dock so that he can sunbath on the dock in the others space

A milage guide lists the miles from Wallace, Idaho to other locations that are popular.

A praying mantis with glowing green eyes stands on a wooden surface, with the words “FEAR THE MANTIS!” in bold red letters above it. The background is slightly blurred, emphasizing the insect.

The elusive snow snake. Nearly transparent in its black and white coloring, the snake can be difficult to spot as it travels through snowbanks looking for warmth. Although not poisonous, they have been known to slither up unsuspecting hikers’ legs towards the crotch where they melt leaving a rather embarrassing wet spot.

A winking smiley face accompanies a quote expressing love for “once upon a time” and questioning if everyone deserves a happy ending. The simple imagery and text stand out against a white background.

A donkey cutout is positioned against an aged house, with the donkey’s skeletal structure painted on the cutout, creating a distinctive visual.

A blue sky serves as the backdrop for a humorous juxtaposition of a large commercial airplane and a flock of birds, with a bold caption that reads “GOING TO BE ONE OF THOSE DAYS!” The whimsical nature of the composition suggests an unexpected challenge or an unusual situation unfolding.

A blue sky serves as the backdrop for a humorous juxtaposition of a large commercial airplane and a flock of birds, with a bold caption that reads “I HATE MONDAYS!” The whimsical nature of the composition suggests an unexpected challenge or an unusual situation unfolding.

A blue sky serves as the backdrop for a humorous juxtaposition of a large commercial airplane and a flock of birds, with a bold caption that reads “IM HAVING A BAD AIR DAY!” The whimsical nature of the composition suggests an unexpected challenge or an unusual situation unfolding.

A white car is driving down a deserted road with a large tumbleweed in the foreground, and a humorous reference to the tumbleweed being a speed bump.