This mouse appears to be eye to eye in negotiation with a coyote over this morning’s breakfast menu.

A red-tailed hawk mother watches over her young high up in the lights of a baseball field.

This buck looks perfectly at home while visiting a front yard in Carson City, Nevada. I like the deer statue in the background-decoy?

A Cottontail rabbit finds relief from the hot sun under the shade of a desert bush.

A squirrel comes out of its home located amongst rocks and flowers.

A seal shoves another off the dock so that he can sunbath on the dock in the others space.

This seal has a funny look on his face as he looks at the sunbathers on the dock. I got the impression he was asking waass up!

This deer scrambles up a rocky hillside blending into the surrounding landscape as it does so.

These donkeys were discovered roaming the desert. At one time, donkeys were used for packing supplies across some of the most inhospitable areas.

These cows were caught in a deep freeze while out in the field. Gives you a chill just looking at them.

Taking a break from the hot days of summer, this owl sought the shade of an elm tree.

Taking a break from the hot days of summer, this owl sought the shade of an elm tree. He looks a bit annoyed by the attention.

A squirrel checks out his surroundings before heading out in the early morning.

An owl sits atop a power pole staring down at you. It’s eyes look as if some kind of energy may shoot out of them at anytime.

Rattlesnakes are not always easy to spot as I discovered when I came across this one who let me know I was too close while hiking in the hills.

This coyote pup is seen out and about exploring his new home. No roadrunner was spotted.

Any type of snake that you almost step on while hiking can scare the wits out of you.

Star Trek fans will be pleased to know that even owls know how to give the hand gesture for “Live Long And Prosper”. Perhaps this owl is part Vulcan.

A horned owl stares straight at the photographer and does not remove its gaze (I Lost).

A horned owl gives a look that we have all gotten from our parents. The look of disapproval.

A pair of hawks’ rest in the glow of a cross located on the steeple of a church in Virginia City, Nevada.

Western King birds are quick moving flyers. I managed to catch this one just as it flew between me and the sun. The effect lit up the birds wings and made for a cool shot I thought.

A hawk prepares to land on the corner of a building casting its shadow upon the surface of the structure.

This squirrel had a really long tail which showed perfectly when he jumped up on a water and icy covered table. I thought this looked great in black and white.

Two Canadian Geese fight winds and foul weather as they attempt to fly out of Washoe valley, Nevada.

A red tail hawk looks down from his perch high up in a pine tree. The look on his face makes you wonder if he is questioning why you are looking at him.

Deer are often times difficult to spot in the surrounding foliage. This one just seems to blend in as it peers at you.

This pet goat appears to be waiting to Tango using a branch with leaves instead of a rose.

A desert lizard poses for a shot. I named him Larry. I liked the mix of the colored rocks with his camo scale design.

Two brown Burros interact with each other in the desert. They are facing each other as one places a kiss upon the others chin as a show of affection.

Taken during calving season in Carson Valley, these guys seem to be wondering if they know who is being fed upon.

A small lizard basks in the sunlight perched atop a rough, gray rock. With its scaly skin, the reptile seems well adapted to blend in with the arid environment.

A solitary deer traverses a rocky slope with patches of dry grass. It appears alert and is looking off to the side as it moves through the rugged terrain. The surrounding terrain makes the deer difficult to spot.

Two brown Burros interact with each other in the desert. They are facing each other as one places a kiss upon the others chin as a show of affection.

A lizard is camouflaged against a rock surface in its natural environment, blending in quite well with the earthy tones and textures of the stones and soil. The reptile’s scales are mimicking the surrounding hues of brown, rust, and gray, making it difficult to spot at first glance. The lizards’ markings give the tail a skeletal look, almost alien like.

A lone donkey stands in a dry desert landscape characterized by sparse shrubbery and a prominent Joshua tree. The clear blue sky and bright daylight accentuate the solitude of the scene.

A trio of Antelope stand amidst a desert landscape, surrounded by sparse vegetation and distinctive Joshua trees. The scene captures the arid yet vibrant setting of their natural habitat.

A trio of Antelope stand amidst a desert landscape, surrounded by sparse vegetation and distinctive Joshua trees. The scene captures the arid yet vibrant setting of their natural habitat.

Three donkeys stand in a vast, arid landscape filled with scattered shrubs under a clear sky. The expansive and barren terrain stretches out to the horizon with mountains in the distance.

Two deer are captured in front of a wooden fence, with one lying on the grass and the other standing closely behind. Both animals have large ears and expressive eyes, giving the scene a calm and serene feeling.

Several donkeys are scattered across a barren, rocky landscape with patches of green shrubbery. In the distance, three pronghorns are seen walking in a line. All are sharing this desert terrain.

A majestic deer with impressive antlers stands amidst tall, dry grasses, blending harmoniously with the natural surroundings. The soft lighting highlights the intricate details of the antlers and the deer’s fur.

Two deer stand amidst dense shrubs and dry grasses, blending harmoniously with the natural setting. A buck with large antlers observes another deer, creating a serene moment in the wilderness. The bucks’ horns are twisted about.

Two deer, one with distinctive large antlers, walk among dry grasses and shrubs in a natural, wooded setting. The buck escorting his mate through the brush.

A squirrel is captured mid-leap against a textured background, creating a dynamic visual with its shadow clearly visible on the ground. The animal’s tail is prominently fluffed, adding to the sense of motion.

Deer are seen crossing a street at a crosswalk while cars wait in both directions. The scene takes place in a small town setting with businesses and traffic lights visible.